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Jill Biden calls Trump a 'bully' who is 'dangerous' to LGBTQ people

Time:2024-06-03 18:32:22 Source:travelViews(143)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jill Biden rallied LGBTQ voters for President Joe Biden ‘s reelection campaign on Friday, calling likely rival Donald Trump a “bully” who is “dangerous” to their community and urging its members to “fight like hell” to keep the Republican from defeating her husband in November.

She said outside forces are working to undo the community’s “hard-won gains” by stripping away rights and freedoms and states are passing laws “targeting this community.” She encouraged members to spend every day until the Nov. 5 election working to gin up support for the Democratic ticket of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Voters in this demographic overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2020. The president, who is struggling with a low public approval rating as well as softening support among other key groups that backed him in 2020, needs the LGBTQ community’s support.

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